Volunteering is an important aspect of our work at the Partnership. We support work experience students during placements, encourage long term volunteers to work with our rangers or corporate groups looking for team building days. Volunteers are particularly valued to help with specific conservation projects such as our invasive species project which is very labour intensive. Alongside BEACON we encourage corporate or other groups of individuals to help us control the spread of invasive plant species within the catchment by hosting ‘Balsam bashing days’. See our events programme for events where you can volunteer or contact us to arrange a work placement or regular volunteering.

Bollin Valley Countryside Taster Day
Each year in the summer, we organise an activity day for people with disabilities. Hundreds of people enjoy a day filled with activities to give them a little ‘taste’ of what’s available in the area. We have a rock climbing tower, archery, horse riding, crafts, farm animals, sculpture and lots more to tempt people out of their comfort zone and into the countryside.
The main aim of the day is to give disabled people the opportunity to try out all the different activities in a safe environment. If they have the confidence to go out in their local area and join in on a general event then we have done our job!

We rely on volunteers to run the day, with over 50 people running activities, organising crafts or generally helping out. Year after year, people give up their precious time for such a worthy cause.
We have been running our annual countryside taster day for people with disabilities for over 25 years. With grants from organisations, sponsorship from local companies and the goodwill of our volunteers, we will carry on for the next 25 if funding permits.